<div id="alpha-inner"> <mt:Ignore><!-- Set the number of entries displayed on each page. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="entries_per_page" value="1"$> <mt:Ignore><!-- Construct the url for querying entries. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:SetVarBlock name="search_link"> <$mt:CGIPath$><$mt:SearchScript$>?IncludeBlogs=<$mt:BlogID$> &template_id=<$mt:BuildTemplateID$> &limit=<$mt:Var name="entries_per_page"$> &archive_type=Index &page= </mt:SetVarBlock> <mt:Ignore><!-- Strip spaces and trim value. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="search_link" strip="" trim="1" setvar="search_link"$> <mt:Ignore><!-- Entries loop for publishing static and dynamic pages. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:Entries limit="$entries_per_page" search_results="1"> <mt:Ignore><!-- Use the Entry Summary module for each entry published on this page. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Include module="ブログ記事の概要"$> </mt:Entries> <mt:Ignore><!-- Create pagination navigation. Condition based upon if page is statically or dynamically rendered using the search_results variable. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:SetVarBlock name="pagination_navigation"> <mt:If name="search_results"> <mt:Ignore><!-- Navigation for dynamic pages (same as navigation found in the Search Results system template). --></mt:Ignore> <mt:IfPreviousResults> <a href="<$mt:PreviousLink$>" rel="prev" onclick="return swapContent(-1);">< Previous</a> </mt:IfPreviousResults> <mt:PagerBlock> <mt:IfCurrentPage> <$mt:Var name="__value__"$> <mt:Else> <a href="<$mt:PagerLink$>"><$mt:Var name="__value__"$></a> </mt:IfCurrentPage> </mt:PagerBlock> <mt:IfMoreResults> <a href="<$mt:NextLink$>" rel="next" onclick="return swapContent();">Next ></a> </mt:IfMoreResults> <mt:Else> <mt:Ignore><!-- Navigation for statically published page. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:If name="archive_template"> <$mt:ArchiveCount setvar="total_entries"$> <mt:Else> <$mt:BlogEntryCount setvar="total_entries"$> </mt:If> <mt:Ignore><!-- If blog contains more entries than the number of entries to display per page. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:If name="total_entries" gt="$entries_per_page"> <mt:Ignore><!-- Set the total number of entries to iterate through the pages. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:Ignore><!-- IF total entries divided by entries per page is a whole number. --></mt:Ignore> <mt:If name="total_entries" op="%" value="$entries_per_page" eq="0"> <mt:Ignore><!-- Set total pages to total entries divided by entries per page. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="total_entries" op="/" value="$entries_per_page" setvar="total_pages"$> <mt:Else> <mt:Ignore><!-- Get the remainder when dividing total entries by entries per page. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="total_entries" op="%" value="$entries_per_page" setvar="remainder"$> <mt:Ignore><!-- Subtract remainder from total entries. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="total_entries" op="-" value="$remainder" setvar="total_entries"$> <mt:Ignore><!-- Determine total pages by dividing total entries (minus remainder) by entries per page. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="total_entries" op="/" value="$entries_per_page" setvar="total_pages"$> <mt:Ignore><!-- Add one page to handle the remainder of entries. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:SetVar name="total_pages" op="++"$> </mt:If> <mt:Ignore><!-- Loop through total pages, creating links to all but the first page (which is the current page). --></mt:Ignore> <mt:For from="1" to="$total_pages" step="1"> <mt:If name="__first__"> <$mt:Var name="__index__"$> <mt:Else> <a href="<$mt:Var name="search_link"$><$mt:Var name="__index__"$>"><$mt:Var name="__index__"$></a> </mt:If> </mt:For> <mt:Ignore><!-- Hard-coded link to the next page (page 2). --></mt:Ignore> <a href="<$mt:Var name="search_link"$>2" rel="next">Next »</a> </mt:If> </mt:If> </mt:SetVarBlock> <mt:Ignore><!-- Strip space and trim navigation code. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="pagination_navigation" strip=" " trim="1" setvar="pagination_navigation"$> <div class="content-nav"> <mt:Ignore><!-- Output variable if exists. --></mt:Ignore> <$mt:Var name="pagination_navigation" strip=" " trim="1" setvar="pagination_navigation"$> <mt:If name="pagination_navigation"> <div class="pagination-navigation"> <$mt:Var name="pagination_navigation"$> </div> </mt:If> </div> </div>