- インストール
pip install PyMySQL
- スクリプト例
import pymysql.cursors ## connect connection = pymysql.connect( host = 'localhost', user = 'hoge', password = 'hogehoge', db = 'hoge_db', charset = 'utf8', cursorclass = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor # 実行結果をDictで返す ) ## select with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = "SELECT * FROM hoge_table WHERE id = %s" cursor.execute(sql, 4) results = cursor.fetchall() ## insert with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = "INSERT INTO hoge_table (id, name) VALUES (%s, %s)" res = cursor.execute(sql, (5, "huga")) connection.commit() # 保存知るためには明示的に指定 ## update with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = "UPDATE hoge_table SET name = %s WHERE id = %s" res = cursor.execute(sql, ("hugahuga", "5")) connection.commit()