
--dry-run 実行で楽勝

# rsync -avz --human-readable --progress --delete --dry-run --exclude "/.hoge" /home/ root@example.com:/home/

sent 2.77M bytes  received 1.78K bytes  504.24K bytes/sec
total size is 3.64G  speedup is 1314.17 (DRY RUN)

sent 2.77M bytes だから、2.7MBだけか」 って思うじゃん?


# --statsつける
# rsync -avz --human-readable --progress --delete --dry-run --stats --exclude "/.hoge" /home/ root@example.com:/home/

Number of files: 99924
Number of files transferred: 310
Total file size: 3.64G bytes
Total transferred file size: 15.00M bytes
Literal data: 0 bytes
Matched data: 0 bytes
File list size: 2.77M
File list generation time: 0.001 seconds
File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
Total bytes sent: 2.77M
Total bytes received: 1.78K

sent 2.77M bytes  received 1.78K bytes  504.24K bytes/sec
total size is 3.64G  speedup is 1314.17 (DRY RUN)

ほんとはこっち: Total transferred file size: 15.00M bytes