

class CountAllUserPosts extends WP_Widget {
    function CountAllUserPosts () {
        parent::WP_Widget(false, $name = '月間投稿数ランキング');
    function widget($args, $instance) {
        extract( $args );
        $title = apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance['title'] );
        $body = apply_filters( 'widget_body', $instance['body'] );
        <?php echo $before_widget; ?>
        <?php if ( $title ) echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; ?>
        <?php $rank = @$this->count_all_users_posts(); ?>
        <!-- BeginPostsRanking -->
        <h3 class="widgettitle">月間投稿数ランキング</h3>
        <?php $index=0; foreach ($rank as $id=>$count) { $index++;$_user = get_user_by('id', $id);?>
                <span class="rank"><?php echo $index;?>.</span>
                <a href="/members/<?php echo $_user->get('user_nicename');?>" >
                    <?php echo $_user->get('display_name');?>
                </a><span class="contents_count"> - <?php echo $count;?> hacks</span>
        <?php }?>
        <!-- EndPostsRanking -->
        <?php echo $after_widget; ?>
    function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
    return $new_instance;
    function form($instance) {
    function count_all_users_posts( $post_type = 'post', $public_only = true ) {
        global $wpdb;

        $count = array();
        $userlist = implode( ',', array_map( 'absint', $users ) );
        $where = get_posts_by_author_sql( $post_type, true, null, $public_only );
        $from_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-30 days"));
        $where .= " AND post_date > '${from_date}'";
        $result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT post_author, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM $wpdb->posts $where AND post_author GROUP BY post_author ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 10", ARRAY_N );
        foreach ( $result as $row ) {
            $count[ $row[0] ] = $row[1];

        foreach ( $users as $id ) {
            if ( ! isset( $count[ $id ] ) )
                $count[ $id ] = 0;

        return $count;
add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("CountAllUserPosts");'));